Photo by John Willis
In life you’ve always done things a little differently. You wouldn’t have arived here if you hadn’t. In a world without order you do have control. The Cape50 offers an enhanced lifestyle for you and those you hold close.
Steve Campbell’s Composites Constructions have built specialist boats and parts for the marine and aeronautical industries for decades. Steve is also a former ocean racer, and knows exactly what it takes to make a carbon ‘flyer’ light, strong and durable, which is exactly what you need in order to win races out in the big blue.
Whether it is racing yachts enduring storms at sea, or small ski boats hurtling along enclosed waters at warp speed, only time on the water teaches you just what a boat endures in order for you to be safe, and maximise your enjoyment from your time on the water.
The Cape50 has been built for use in Australia, where the weather can turn quickly, and wind, swell, and chop are all part of a normal day. To this end, you start to notice why the Cape50 has certain, very noticeable features that derive highly desirable benefits.
Take the plumb bow. This not only increases the length of waterline, and volume up for’ard in her sumptuous accommodations, it also means the already fine entry is even more razor sharp to cut through the water better than ever, and offer as little disturbance to her running attitude as is possible.
There’s a serious chine low down in her muscular shoulders, which themselves are direct result of the amount of the ‘sportsfisherman-esque’ flare, that has been so diligently applied. The benefit is in less water coming over the deck, and the ability to run home at pace when it is all closing in on you. The third part of the system is the delicate, swooping sheer line that so carefully blends in the step at the after end of the coachhouse.
The flat planing area in the stern where the Volvo Penta IPS drives are located is designed to make the Cape50 fast and efficient, and the square chine aids in stability, both underway and at rest. Heading further aft and in a nod to her Downeast inspiration, there is a delightful Tumblehome swinging the Cape50’s lines around to her super-stylish reverse transom
Finally, you need distinguishing features, and way to bring it all together into a harmonious and pretty craft. Meet the Cape50, where tradition and seaworthiness meet modern style, and European class. One man’s passion. An entire team’s dedication. And the total embodiment of why we all play with boats…